New Newsletter from Cake Everyday!
Why I LOVE to Journal and You Will Too! Make sure that you check out the newest newsletter from Cake Everyday. Sign up for the newsletter...
Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Relaxation, Anxiety and Depression
Great medition for relaxation. Feel free to join the MeditationRelaxClub on YouTube. :-)

Health Benefits of Pomegranate/ Pomegranate Juice: The Top Ten 1. Antioxidants – These help to wrangle the hoards of free radicals in...

You Are What You Say You Are.
Be careful how you use this power. :-)

Two Of My Favs!
Ok, these are two of my favorite foods. Quinoa and avocados! Simple, easy and so good for you. So, I usually cook a pot of quinoa on the...
7 Steps to Your Ultimate Celebration
•Identify and discard OLD story What do you believe and why? Where did that belief come from? •Create and rewrite NEW story Who do you...